تحميل أفضل وأشهر كتب طب بيطرى للقراءة وتطوير الذات PDF مجانا

1- كتاب Fitness evaluation of the horse للكاتب 2- كتاب Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle للكاتب 3- كتاب Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle للكاتب 4- كتاب Calcium and phosphorus balances of lactating ewes at pasture للكاتب 5- كتاب Dairy Science and Technology - Second Edition للكاتب 6- كتاب Effect of Passive Transfer Status and Vaccination with Escherichia coli (J5) on Mortality in Comingled Dairy Calves للكاتب 7- كتاب Nutrient intake, acid base status and growth performance of growing male buffalo calves fed varying level of dietary cation anion difference للكاتب 8- كتاب Encyclopedia of Dairy Science-L للكاتب 9- كتاب Effective measures for controlling trypanosomiasis للكاتب 10- كتاب In vitro activities of enoxacin, enrofloxacin, sparfloxacin, and ciprofloxacin against Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheic lambs and kids. للكاتب 11- كتاب McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Bioscience - Second Edition للكاتب 12- كتاب Cephamycin C Treatment of Induced Enterotoxigenic Colibacillosis (Scours) in Calves and Piglets للكاتب 13- كتاب In vitro susceptibility of Prototheca spp. to gentamicin. للكاتب 14- كتاب Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition (Second Edition) للكاتب 15- كتاب Antimicrobial Drug Use in Veterinary Medicine (p 617-629) للكاتب 16- كتاب Equine Ophthalmology للكاتب 17- كتاب Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2008 للكاتب 18- كتاب The Disposition Kinetics, Urinary Excretion and Dosage Regimen of Ciprofloxacin in Buffalo Calves (Bubalus bubalis) للكاتب 19- كتاب Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. from humans, pigs, cattle, and broilers in Denmark للكاتب 20- كتاب Wilson's Practical Meat Inspection 7th edition للكاتب
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