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1- كتاب Food Waste to Animal Feed للكاتب 2- كتاب The effect of praziquantel on the hepatic activities of some drug-metabolizing enzymes in rabbits experimentally infected with Schistosomabovis للكاتب 3- كتاب Susceptibilities of bovine summer mastitis bacteria to antimicrobial agents للكاتب 4- كتاب Evaluation of carprofen in calves using a tissue cage model of inflammation للكاتب 5- كتاب Encyclopedia of Pest Management - Volume II للكاتب 6- كتاب Trace Mineral Deficiencies in Cattle A Review للكاتب 7- كتاب Encyclopedia of Dairy Science-K للكاتب 8- كتاب The effect of bovine viral diarrhea virus infections on health and performance of feedlot cattle للكاتب 9- كتاب Effects of cobalt deficiency in pregnant and post-parturient ewes للكاتب 10- كتاب CIRCULATING LEVELS OF ESTROGEN AND PROGESTERONE IN FEMALE للكاتب 11- كتاب Equine Geriatric Medicine and Surgery للكاتب 12- كتاب Intra-uterine Infection with Babesia bovis in a 2-day-old Calf للكاتب 13- كتاب Applied Dairy Microbiology للكاتب 14- كتاب Equine Injury - Therapy and Rehabilitation للكاتب 15- كتاب Nutritional Energetics of Domestic Animals and Glossary of Energy Terms للكاتب 16- كتاب Approaches in the safety evaluations of veterinary antimicrobial agents in food to determine the effects on the human intestinal microflora للكاتب 17- كتاب Genetic Engineering in Livestock للكاتب 18- كتاب The Mineral Nutrition of Livestock للكاتب 19- كتاب Handbook of Evidence Based Veterinary Medecine للكاتب 20- كتاب Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology للكاتب
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